Volunteer on Sunday
Open to all: join in!
Every Sunday, Greeters help provide extravagant welcome to our worship guests and members alike. To volunteer, please click below.
Ushers arrive early on Sunday morning to open the church, set out worship materials, prepare the Sanctuary, and assist with the Offering and Communion during the service. To volunteer for this essential role, please click below.

Fellowship Time
Help provide coffee and goodies for our Fellowship Time, in the Courtyard immediately following Sunday Worship. Please click below to volunteer or ask a question. (If you have trouble with the sign-up form, please click the Fellowship Time Question button to email our Church Administrator.)

Altar Guild
Love working with flowers and sharing your artistry? Altar Guild members bring their own skills and styles to the creation of floral arrangements for the sanctuary and special events, supporting and encouraging each other along the way. They especially love decorating for the holidays. Altar Guild members also enjoy occasional luncheons and field trips together. Jo Pomeroy is the leader. Please click below for more information or to volunteer.