Make Music
Open to all: join in!

Fred Cummins, Director
Like singing pop, folk, gospel, bluegrass, or classical? Unsure of your music-reading skills? Our schedule describes the style and difficulty of all our anthems, and includes sheet music and recordings to help you learn. Pick a song from our schedule that you'd like to sing and join us that Sunday at 9 AM to rehearse before the 10 AM service. No ongoing commitment needed!

Handbell Choir
Gretchen Rauch, Director
Foothills’ handbell choir “Joyful Noise” meets each Wednesday evening from 6 to 7:30 for rehearsal and music fellowship. The bells ring in worship service once a month, generally on the second Sunday, October through June. Enjoy the opportunity to learn from the very best. For more information, please contact Gretchen; click below.