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Children's & Youth

David’s message on February 9 was "In Deep", about taking risks to explore faith. Our song “Go Make a Difference” is all about how God wants us to show God’s love in the world through our our actions.  By helping people, working for peace, and being loving in small moments every day we can all make a difference in the world.

Children's & Youth

David’s message on February 2 was "How We're Known", about how we are known by our love.  We can show love in a million ways, to our family, friends, and strangers.  How can you show your love today?

Children's & Youth

David’s message on January 19 was “What He Says”, about how miracles happen.  God creates miracles in our lives every day.  Praise God for all our blessings with our song “All I Wanna Do.”

Children's & Youth

David’s message on January 12 was “Being Wheat” - about shucking off what’s unnecessary in our lives.  When we focus on the most important things we will be happier and more helpful to others.  Our song “All Your Love Inside” reminds us of one of those very important things:  that we all have God’s love inside us, and our job is to share that love with the world.

Children's & Youth

David's message on January 5 was "Guiding Star" - about keeping on track toward our purpose. Our song “Follow You” will get you up and moving and thinking about God’s direction for your life.  With God's guidance, in every step we take, and every move we make, we learn more about what God wants for us.

Children's & Youth

On Christmas Eve we had our special service of lessons and carols for the whole family at 4 PM. After the service we each took a candle and gather in the courtyard to sing "Silent Night"under the stars. 


Enjoy this lovely version of the carol from wherever you are.  You can learn about how the song was written in 1816 and eventually became one of the best known Christmas carols in this Encyclopedia Brittanica article The Humble Origins of Silent Night.  Wishing everyone God's heavenly peace.

Children's & Youth

David’s message on December 22 was “Everything Is Wonderful”, about the joy of believing in the mystical.  Celebrate joy with this week's song.

Children's & Youth

David’s message on December 22 was “Everything Is Wonderful”, about the joy of believing in the mystical.  Celebrate joy with this week's song.

Children's & Youth

David's message on December 15 was "What Now?", about anticipating who we are called to become.  God helps us to learn and grow and improve every day - to be more kind, helpful, forgiving, generous, and to develop our own special gifts that make the world a better place.

Children's & Youth

David's message on December 8 was "Risk Assessment", about having the courage to live. Everybody feels uncertain or worried sometimes.  Our song "Brave" helps us remember that God is always there to love us and give us strength to face whatever comes our way.

Children's & Youth

David's message on December 1 was "Accentuate the Positive” about cultivating a hopeful outlook. What better song for this week than the song of the same name!  If we look for it, we can see good in our world every single day.  And we can do good by spreading positivity and God’s love and joy wherever we go.

Children's & Youth

David's message on November 17 was "Change Is Gonna Come". Last week we heard The Byrds' 1965 recording of "Turn! Turn!Turn!", a song all about change, that was written by folk icon Pete Seeger.  This week, we have a 2013 recording of the song which includes recently-discovered lyrics that Pete Seeger’s wife, Toshi, wrote specifically for children. How are the two versions of the song similar?  How are they different?  Do you like one of them better than the other?


Know that whatever changes happen in your life, God is always with you.

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Turn! Turn! Turn!  by Pete Seeger, performed by The Byrds 

Children's & Youth

David's message on November 17 was "Change Is Gonna Come". Our song this week, "Turn! Turn! Turn!" is all about change. The lyrics (except for the last line) are straight from the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible and were put to music by the now-legendary folk singer Pete Seeger in 1959.  The American folk rock band The Byrds released their recording of Turn! Turn! Turn! in October 1965 and 2 months later it was the #1 song in the US.  It's now considered a folk classic. It’s amazing to think that the words to such a popular song were written so long ago.  People have been thinking about (and singing about!) change for a very long time.  What changes are you thinking about today?  Remember that no matter what changes in your life, God will always be with you.

Children's & Youth

David’s message for November 10 was “Theory of Everything”, about understanding why we live.  Why do you think we live?  If you ask several people, you will probably get several different answers.  One answer to that question is that we live so that we can do God’s work on earth.  Here's a rhythmic and lively version of a favorite spiritual from our hymnal. Celebrate God working through our lives "anytime and anywhere."

Children's & Youth

David’s message on Nov 3 was “The Point” - about the purpose of our faith.  What do you think is the purpose of our faith?  Some people say that the purpose of our faith is to love God, and to show God's love in our lives by being loving to people and creation.  Our song this week is "By Our Love", which is sometimes called "They'll Know We Are Christians" or "We Are One in the Spirit".

Children's & Youth

David’s message on October 27 was “Wellness” - about how God wants us to be healthy and happy and whole.  Eating good food, getting fresh air and exercise, and sleeping well at night are good ways to take care of your body.  Meditation and relaxation are good ways to take care of your mind and soul.  Enjoy our song “Just Be”: first watch the video and listen to the song, read the lyrics, sing along, and look at the yoga poses.  Then start the video again, lie down, close your eyes, and just be.  Peace be with you.

Children's & Youth

David’s message on October 13 was “Nothing Is Written”, about how all things are possible.  With faith in God, hope, and our own hard work, there are so many things we can do, and so many changes we can make in the world.  Even when life is difficult, many things are possible.  What “Very Big Things” do you dream of doing?

Children's & Youth
Sing Along!

David's message on October 6 was "Bible Talk", about how we read the Bible. Some people like to open their Bible at random and see what passage jumps out at them - something that catches your eye may have special meaning for you that day.  Some people have favorite verses they like to read for comfort or inspiration.  The Bible is full of stories, poetry, and lessons.  The Ten Commandments can be found in Exodus 20:2–17, Deuteronomy 5:6–21, and Exodus 34:11–26, and you can learn them with this song!

Children's & Youth
Sing Along!

David's message on September 22 was"Ask Anything", about how scripture and church are more about questions than answers.  Our song “Follow You” will get you up and moving and thinking about God’s mystery and direction for our lives.  With God's guidance, in every step we take, and every move we make, we discover more questions and more answers.

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Follow You by Orange Kids Music

Children's & Youth
Sing Along

David's message on Sunday Sept 8 was "Proverbial" and our scripture included several verses from the book of Proverbs.  You can learn Proverbs 22:1 by heart in no time by listening to this song.  Here's one way to think about what this proverb means:  It's more important to be a good person than to have lots of money.

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A Good Name (Proverbs 22:1)

by Spencer Family Music

Children's & Youth Program Resources

There are so many fun and interesting things to do and learn about in this world.  We remember that Jesus teaches us the most important things: how to be a good and faithful person and share God's love everyday.

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Important Things

Orange Kids

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Every single person has challenges, difficulties and fears. And every single day, each of us has help in meeting those situations – the loving and supportive presence of God. Knowing that God is with us gives us strength, wisdom, and courage to face whatever comes our way, and to do what we need to do.

Children's & Youth Program Resources

David's message on August 4 was "Give or Take"- all about being generous!  God is so generous with us. There is plenty of love to go around.  Today’s song says, “What you give is more than enough, so I’ll give a little kindness, give a little love away.”  How can you be generous today?

Children's & Youth Program Resources

David’s message on July 28 was “We’re Bread”, about how we share ourselves.  Our song this week “All To You” talks about how God wants us to be God’s hands and feet.  This is a way of describing how people do God’s work in the world.  By sharing ourselves - our gifts - with others we create the kind of world God wants for us.

Children's & Youth Program Resources

David's Message on July 21 was “Surrounded by Love”.  This beautiful song reminds us that God’s love surrounds us every day, wherever we are, and whatever we are doing.  We share God’s love with others when we are kind and thoughtful and do what is right.  Each day, try to find a moment to be grateful for God’s love, and think of a way you can share it with others. 

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Surrounded by Love by Mark Patterson

Children's & Youth Program Resources

David’s message on July 14 was “World Changing” about the difference we make for good.  “Turning of the World” was written by Ruth Pelham as a musical way for people to affirm the positive power of working together for peace and justice. Ruth says: “I wrote this song one morning right after I woke up from a dream. This song is about unity, and people working together to build a safe and peaceful world. The dream of peace is not just a dream of mine. It is shared by millions of people of every age, culture, religion, and background, and is the glue that holds us together as one humanity.  A great thing about being alive in these times is that millions of people all over the world are doing things to bring about peace. In every country, people are working alone or in groups to make our world better, and to assure that each of us has our basic needs met for food, clothing, shelter, and safety. Every day brings us closer to realizing this dream, and each one of us can help to make that happen. When we work together in large numbers, the results can be awesome.”

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Sometimes we feel small, confused, worried, or uncertain.  No matter what is happening in our lives, we can be sure that following God's ways is the right thing to do. 

Children's & Youth Program Resources

On June 23, our guest preacher's sermon will be called "A Rock In a Hard Place", so our song this week is “Holy Spirit Rock”!

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Holy Spirit Rock by Michael Mangan

Children's & Youth Program Resources

June is Pride Month!  Celebrate God’s love for everyone with “Start the Party” - sing and dance along!

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Start the Party

Orange Kids

Children's & Youth Program Resources

On June 2, David’s message was about the true meaning of being a follower of Jesus. The song “Thank You God” reminds us of the ways that God wants us to live, and to be thankful for God’s many blessings.

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Thank You God

Orange Kids

Children's & Youth Program Resources

David’s message on May 26 was “Reborn - coming to a new awareness of God”.  Every day God helps us learn a little more about ourselves and our faith and the right way to live.  Every new thing we learn changes our awareness. God is teaching us Important Things!

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Important Things

Orange Kids

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Our song “Draw the Circle Wide” is about how everyone belongs in our loving community of faith.

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Draw the Circle Wide

More Voices 145 Musicians of Golden Ears United Church | Words and Music: Gordon Light

Children's & Youth Program Resources

David’s message on May 5 was “Being Presence”, about being present with each other and God.  To be present with someone is to not be distracted by other things, but to focus on and appreciate them.  Being present can create feelings of stillness and peace.  Our song this time is “Open the Eyes of My Heart”.  This is a creative way to describe looking at things with love and thinking about things with love and being truly present.

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Open the Eyes of My Heart

by Paul Baloche, performed by Great Worship Songs Praise Band

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Everybody feels uncertain or worried sometimes.  Our song "Brave" helps us remember that God is always there to love us and give us strength to face whatever comes our way.

Children's & Youth Program Resources

What's the weather like where you are today? Enjoy this video full of umbrellas, puddles, clouds, and rainbows, and the reassurance that God is always with us, wherever we go, and whatever we do.

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Celebrate the miracle of Easter morning, and every morning, with this energizing song.  The lyric is straight from the Bible:  Psalm 118:24!

Children's & Youth Program Resources

David’s March 24 message was "Open the Gate”, about how we’re called to break down barriers.  Feel God’s love in your heart, and turn that love into action to make the world a better place.  This week’s song encourages us to “Make a Move” for God.

Children's & Youth Program Resources

On March 17, David’s message was “Promises to Keep - our promise as a church”.  Promises are important.  We make promises to our family members, our friends, ourselves, and to God.  When we keep our promises, people know they can trust and count on us, and that’s a good feeling.  God makes promises too:  God promises to always love us, no matter what.  And like today’s song says, we can trust that God’s promise is true.

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Promises by Cross

Children's & Youth Program Resources

David’s message on March 10 was “Eternal Now”, about the meaning of eternal life.  Something that’s eternal never goes away… it lasts forever.  God’s love is eternal, and brings us joy every day.  Sing and dance with our song “I’ve Got Joy” and feel God’s love in your heart and soul!

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I've Got Joy by Orange Kids Music

Children's & Youth Program Resources

David’s message on March 3 was “Fools for Love”, about taking risks and being disrupters. Our song “Go Make a Difference” is all about how God wants us to show God’s love in the world through our our actions.  By helping people, working for peace, and being loving in small moments every day we can all make a difference in the world.

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Go Make a Difference by Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek

Children's & Youth Program Resources

On February 25, David’s message was “Identity”, about accepting who we are as God’s creations.  Our song this week is “What I Am”, about understanding and appreciating yourself, the way God has made you.  Celebrate all the things that make you unique as you listen to sing.

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What I Am by

Children's & Youth Program Resources

On February 18, David’s message was called “Rainbow People”, about how God’s covenant is with everyone.  God made everyone and God promises to always love everyone no matter what.  God’s people are a rainbow of colors and ways of being.  That’s how God made us!  Our song this week “Wonderfully Made” helps us think about how everyone is different, beautiful, and wonderfully made.

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Wonderfully Made by Orange Kids Music

Children's & Youth Program Resources

David’s message on February 11 was “Reality Check” - about seeing the sacred within ourselves and others.  Our song “Made By You” reminds us of two very important things:  that we were all created by God, and that we are all here to help each other.

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Made By You by Orange Kids Music

Children's & Youth Program Resources

On February 4, David Green's message was "Persevere". We all have struggles in our lives and hard things we have to do: learning new things, getting along with people, dealing with feelings and worries, taking action for causes we believe in. Today’s upbeat and encouraging song "Never Gonna Give Up" reminds us that even when we struggle, God is by our side, giving us strength and hope

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Never Gonna Give Up by Orange Kids Music

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Our theme for January 28 was "Gratitude" so we'll keep listening to "Thankful" this week!

Our scripture for January 21 was 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 and David’s message will be “This Time”, about making the most of each day.  One of the ways we can do this is by appreciating every day for what it is and for what we have.  People often focus on what they wish they had, or what they wish they could do. Instead we can look for and really see all the good things in our lives, and thank God for God’s many gifts.  And we can show God our appreciation by sharing God’s love with others every day.  Enjoy our song “Thankful”.

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Our theme for Sunday January 14 was “Genuine: Authenticity is Freedom”.  An authentic person is true to their own personality, values, and spirit, regardless of any pressure they might be under to act otherwise. Here’s a new version of the 1970s song “Free To Be… You And Me” all about being free to be yourself, as God made you to be.

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Free to Be… You and Me, Music by Stephen J. Lawrence | Lyrics by Bruce Hart | Performed by Sara Bareilles

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Our scripture for January 7 was Genesis 1:1-5 - the beginning of the story of creation.  For six days, God made a different part of creation.  The on the 7th day, God looked around at everything and saw that it was good, and then God rested.  Enjoy a musical retelling of the creation story with our song “All Good”.

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All Good by Orange Kids Music  

Children's & Youth Program Resources

This Christmas carol/hymn about proclaiming the joy of Jesus' birth has been a Foothills family favorite for years.  Here’s a fantastic bluegrass version that will have you tapping your toes and singing along - the lyrics are in the first comment below the video on YouTube.

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Go Tell It on the Mountain performed by The Petersens

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Sunday is Christmas Eve! We'll have two services: our regular 10 AM PST service, and a special service of lessons and carols for the whole family at 5 PM PST. Both services will be offered in person in our beautiful sanctuary at 461 Orange Avenue in Los Altos, and online. After the 5 PM service we’ll each take a candle and gather in the courtyard to sing Silent Night under the stars.  Enjoy this lovely version of the carol from wherever you are.  You can learn about how the song was written in 1816 and eventually became one of the best known Christmas carols in this Encyclopedia Brittanica article The Humble Origins of Silent Night.  Wishing everyone God's heavenly peace.

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Silent Night by Joseph Mohr and Hans Gruber, performed by Hillsong Worship

Children's & Youth Program Resources

"Every advent we count the days to Christmas
And the time seems to stretch so far away.
But the waiting is like a gift from heaven,
Time to pray for peace on Christmas Day."

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Abundance means “a very large amount” - that there is plenty of something to go around.  When we think that there isn’t enough of something, we might try to keep it all to ourselves, and not want to share, because we are afraid of running out.  God wants us to have faith that there is enough for everyone - that we can be generous and share what we have with those who have less.  What ways can you think of to be generous?


The beautiful song “Thankful” helps us reflect on God’s never-ending gifts.

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Thankful by Shauna Belt Edwards

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Our theme for November 12 is “Wholehearted”.  When you do something in a wholehearted way, you jump in with both feet and give it everything you’ve got.  Maybe you’re trying out for the school play and you’re putting all your free time into learning the lines for your audition.  Or maybe you are really interested in cooking, and you love to read cookbooks, and watch cooking shows, and go grocery shopping, and try new recipes.  Or you might be passionate about the environment, and do all you can to reduce, reuse, and recycle, and go to beach or stream clean-up days.  Whatever our interests, behind everything is our wholehearted commitment to following God’s way and trusting that God will always be with us.  Enjoy our song “I Will Trust You”.

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I Will Trust You by Lifetree Kids

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Our theme for November 5 is “Learning Leaders”. Leaders are very important in our world, our country, our communities, and our church.  A good leader creates a loving community of equals who work together.  Our song this week is “By Our Love”.  You may know this song as “We Are One in the Spirit” or “They’ll Know We Are Christians”.  We are one in the Spirit, whether we lead or follow, when we act with love in our hearts.

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By Our Love by Peter Scholtes, performed by For King And Country

Children's & Youth Program Resources

On Sunday October 29 we’ll celebrate Halloween and decorate for Foothills Treats the Neighborhood!  Shake your bones and dance along to “The Skeleton Shake”.

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Our theme for October 22 is Hearts in Holy Rhythm.  We’ll talk about friendships and connections with people and with God.  Our song “Everybody’s Got a Heartbeat” celebrates something we have in common with everybody in the world - a heartbeat!

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Our theme for October 15 is Engaging Emotions.  One of the things we’ll talk about is how being afraid can keep us from doing the right thing.  Our song today is “Fear, Get Out of Here” which reminds us that through everything, the little fears and the big ones, God is always with us, and can help us be strong.

Children's & Youth Program Resources

On Sunday October 8 our theme will be Covenant & Community.  A covenant is an agreement or promise to do something.  The Ten Commandments are the “ten best ways for living” that God wants everyone to promise to follow.  These rules show us how to be good family members and community members, by treating everyone with respect and love.  Here’s a song to help you learn The Ten Commandments and remember them all through your life.

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Our theme for October 1 is Questions & Quarrels.  It is good to ask questions.  Questions help us learn.  There are so many ways to ask a question!  Let’s play with the question “Why did you do that?”.   First try to say it as if you were angry or frustrated, like somebody did something you think they shouldn’t have.  Next, try saying it as if you are really curious and interested in the reason the person did what they did.  How do you feel when you ask the question in different ways?  How might the person you are asking feel?  We can ask questions about things that happen in our lives, things we see online, books we read, and stories and lessons we hear in church.  Our song this week is “Colors” which talks about some of the many different ways that we can feel.  Whether you ask a question while you are feeling “orange - loud and messy” or “red - hopping mad” or “purple - bright and happy” or any other way, God loves you and your questions!

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Colors, by Kira Willey

Children's & Youth Program Resources

September 24 is River Sunday and our song is “Peace Like a River”.  Get the wiggles out and jazz up your spirit with this super-happy song with movement!  Let God’s peace, love, and joy move through your life like a flowing river.

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Peace Like a River traditional, performed by CJ and Friends

Children's & Youth Program Resources

September 17 is Wilderness/Outback Sunday.  Our songs are “Through the Wilderness” and “God Will Guide Us”.  What are some ways that these songs are similar?  How are they different?  One thing you may notice is that one of the songs refers to God with masculine pronouns (he/his).  You can sing it that way, or you  may prefer to substitute she/her, or you might rather not use a pronoun at all and just say “God”.  Whether in the wilderness of a forest, dessert, or just an unfamiliar situation in your daily life, no matter what words you choose to describe God, God will be with you and guide you.

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Through the Wilderness by Zak Yokingco, Veia Lim-Viñas, & Vernon Lim

God Will Guide Us by Jay Stocker

Children's & Youth Program Resources

Sept. 10, 2023

Our theme for September 10 is Land Sunday.  When you think about our planet, what comes to your mind?  Is it the beautiful sights of mountains, forests, and oceans?  Or is it the feeling of your bare feet in the grass, or in the sand at the beach?  Or smelling the wonderful fragrance of flowers? “Song of the Earth” is about using another of our senses - hearing - to appreciate and enjoy our world and our connection to it.  When you’re outside this week, stop and listen to the song that the Earth is singing, and thank God for our precious home.

Children's Program Resources

Sept. 3, 2023

September 3 is “Forest Sunday”.  Our song “Beautiful” is all about the beauty and wonder of God’s creation.  At every moment, wherever you are, there is something nearby that is beautiful in its own way – a gift from God to be appreciated and praised.  We thank God for our family and friends and for people we have yet to meet.  We thank God for our bodies that we can dance and sing with. We thank God for our diverse planet and the wonders of nature; for forests and oceans, for deserts and jungles, for flowers and trees, for insects, animals and birds.  Wonderful and good!

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Beautiful by Orange Kids Music

Children's Program Resources

Aug. 27, 2023

Our theme for Sunday August 27 is “Act” and our song is “God of Justice, Love and Mercy”.  You may remember this tune as “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” from our hymnal.


Here are some new words to sing along with and think about. This recording was made by Intervarsity, a community of college students and faculty “who love the word of God and live it out.” How do you do that in your life?


God of Justice, Love and Mercy by Edwin M. Willmington, performed by the Urbana Worship Team on Intervarsity Live! Worship 

Children's Program Resources

Aug. 20, 2023

In Children’s & Youth Program on August 20 we’ll be talking about how forgiving others helps our families and communities.  When we remember that God forgives us when we make mistakes, it can be easier to forgive others.  Enjoy the song “All Of the Ways” about how God loves and forgives us, no matter what mistakes we make.


All of the Ways by Journey Kids

Children's Program Resources

Aug. 13, 2023

In our lesson on Sunday we will hear stories about people going through hard times.  We all go through hard things.  Sometimes they are little things, and sometimes they are big things.  Sometimes we may feel like people don’t understand or appreciate us.  Remember that God is always on your side, and God will help you make it through everything that comes your way.


God Is For Me by Lifetree Kids

Children's Program Resources

Aug. 6, 2023

Imagine a cooling rain shower and enjoy this video full of umbrellas, puddles, clouds, and rainbows, and the reassurance that God is always with us, wherever we go, and whatever we do.


God is With Me by Lil’ K from Orange Kids Music

Children's Program Resources

July 30, 2023

The prayer for our lesson on July 30 is “God, teach us about your love and honor.  May we treasure these things from generation to generation.  Help us to keep our promises to you and each other.”  Promises are important.  We make promises to our family members, our friends, ourselves, and to God.  When we keep our promises, people know they can trust and count on us, and that’s a good feeling.  God makes promises too:  God promises to always love us, no matter what.  And like today’s song says, we can trust that God’s promise is true.


Promises by Cross

Children's Program Resources

July 23, 2023

For July 23, the curriculum theme is “Blessed”.  The introduction begins:  “God is with us, even when we do not understand how or why.”  Our song “Follow You” will get you up and moving and thinking about God’s mystery and direction for our lives.


Follow You by Orange Kids Music

Children's Program Resources

July 16, 2023

The theme for July 16 is Struggle.  We’ll hear stories about siblings who seem to care more about getting ahead themselves than helping each other. Sometimes we forget to follow God’s way of treating others with love and kindness.  Even when we make mistakes in how we act with people, God loves and forgives us.  We can learn and move on to do better next time. Our song for this week is “Made By You”.  It reminds us that we are made by God to help each other and be a light to the world.  How will you help others this week?


Made by You by Orange Kids Music

Children's Program Resources

July 9, 2023

On July 9 our theme is Choose.  As we grow up, we make more and more choices for ourselves every day: what clothes to wear, what to eat, what to do, and when to do it.  We also make choices about how we interact with others.  Every day we have so many opportunities to choose God’s ways of love, kindness, and grace.  This week’s song “What I Choose” reminds us that when we choose to follow God, we can depend on God to guide us in the right direction.


What I Choose by Orange Kids Music

Children's Program Resources

July 2, 2023

The Children’s & Youth Program theme for July 2 is Welcoming Community.  We know that God welcomes and loves us – each and every person – just as we are.  God wants us to share that welcome and love with others.  Today’s song says, “What you give is more than enough, so I’ll give a little kindness, give a little love away.”  How can you share kindness and love with others today?


Give A Little Kindness by Orange Kids Music

Children's Program Resources

June 25, 2023

Every single person has challenges, difficulties and fears.  And every single day, each of us has help in meeting those situations – the loving and supportive presence of God.  Knowing that God is with us gives us strength and courage to face whatever comes our way, and to do what we need to do.


You Give Me Courage, by Orange Kids Music

Children's Program Resources

June 18, 2023

On June 18, our Children’s & Youth Program curriculum theme will be “Responding in Community”.  There are lots of ways that we can help our communities.  You can help in your classroom at school.  You can help with things around the house.  You can help at church by being friendly and welcoming to guests.  Foothills helps the wider community by donating food and money to people in need.  Today’s song “Making Waves” is about sharing God’s love with others and making positive changes in the world.  Anyone can do it!


Makin’ Waves by Orange Kids Music

Children's Program Resources

June 11, 2023

The Children’s & Youth Program theme for Sunday June 11 is Community of Grace. The introduction to the lesson says “God’s powerful, restoring and grace-filled love provides a fresh start.”  It talks about hope for what the future can bring.  Today’s song “Love Train” is a powerhouse of hope, joy, and love. This video features students and artists from 14 sites in the Turnaround Arts program, a national program of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts that currently works in more than 60 schools across the country.  The video was produced by Playing for Change, a movement created to inspire and connect the world through music, born from the shared belief that music has the power to break down boundaries and overcome distances between people. In the video you can see all sorts of kids and artists singing and dancing together, inviting everyone all over the world to join hands and start a love train. 


Love Train by Kenneth Gamble & Leon Huff (YouTube video). 

Enjoy this video from the music and dance TV show Soul Train. Click SHOW MORE below the video to see the lyrics. 

Here’s the official video from the O’Jays.

Finally, mellow out with this version: Love Train recorded by Keb’ Mo’ in 2001.

Children's Program Resources

June 4, 2023

The Children’s & Youth Program theme for June 4 will be Community of Creation; our scripture will be Genesis 1:1-2:4a. The book of Genesis tells the story of how for six days, God made all the different parts of creation, then God looked around at everything and saw that it was good, and then God rested.  Enjoy a musical retelling of the creation story with our song “All Good”.


All Good by Orange Kids Music

Children's Program Resources

May 28, 2023

May 28 is Pentecost Sunday.  According to the Acts of the Apostles, on the Day of Pentecost, followers of Jesus received the gift of the Holy Spirit: with a rush of wind, dancing flames, and surprising languages, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples. This gift gave them the power to share the good news of God’s love made real in Jesus. On Pentecost, the sanctuary decorations are red to symbolize the flames. The Holy Spirit is inside us and all around us every day and gives us strength and inspiration to love, and hope, and do good things. Sing about it with “Holy Spirit Rock”!


Holy Spirit Rock by Michael Mangan

Children's Program Resources

May 21, 2023

David’s message for Sunday May 21 will be “Everyone Belongs”.  Here’s a song by the very same name!  We all have different gifts, different needs, different abilities, different likes and dislikes, and we are all beloved by God! We can share God’s love with those we meet and help them know that they belong and are valued.


Everyone Belongs by Meaghan Smith

Children's Program Resources

May 14, 2023

May 14 is Mother’s Day. It takes a lot to raise a child and teach them all they need to know.  We learn from many people in our lives.  We also learn by following the teachings of Jesus about God’s way.  Here’s a song sharing great advice on how to live.  It’s based on the Bible verse Galatians 5:22-23:  “…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”


Fruit of the Spirit performed by Go Fish
Music by Jamison J. Statema & Darren Rust, Lyrics by Jamison J. Statema
(YouTube video with lyrics)

Children's Program Resources

May 7, 2023

On May 1 our new Senior Minister David Green joins us at Foothills, and on Sunday May 7 he will preach his first sermon in our sanctuary.  He wants you to call him “David”.  We are so excited to welcome David to our church family.  Here’s a song written by our former pastor Rev. Jim Manley, that reminds us that each and every one of us is an important part of God’s family.


Part of the Family by James K. Manley, performed by Musicians of Golden Ears United Church

Children's Program Resources

April 30, 2023

The theme for Children’s & Youth Program on April 30 is “Sensing Awe”.  In our song “Each Blade of Grass” we pay attention to big and little things, realizing that they are each awesome parts of God’s creation.  The beautiful images and haunting sound create a mystical feel – perfect for helping us look at the world around us with awe.


Each Blade of Grass Words: Keri Wehlander ©2005 Music: Anonymous 1799 arranged by Bryn Nixon ©2021

Children's Program Resources

April 23, 2023

April 23 is the third Sunday in the Season of Easter, and our Children’s & Youth Program theme is “Eyes of the Heart”.  “Opening the eyes of the heart” is an imaginative way to describe looking at things with love and thinking about things with love – which is what God wants us to do.  When the eyes of your heart are open, you can discover new things, even about people you already know well.


Open the Eyes of My Heart by Paul Baloche, performed by Great Worship Songs Praise Band

Children's Program Resources

April 16, 2023

This song is #206 in our hymnal. Sydney Carter wrote this song in 1963, adapting the tune from the Shaker song “Simple Gifts”. He says, “I see Christ as the incarnation of the piper who is calling us. He dances that shape and pattern which is at the heart of our reality. By Christ I mean not only Jesus; in other times and places, other planets, there may be other Lords of the Dance. But Jesus is the one I know of first and best. I sing of the dancing pattern in the life and words of Jesus.”

This song tells the Easter story, starting in verse 3!


I Danced in the Morning (Lord of the Dance) by Sydney Carter
(YouTube video with lyrics)

Children's Program Resources

April 9, 2023

Celebrate the miracle and promise of Easter with these energizing songs. 


This is the Day Fijian folk tune, arranged by Leslie Norman Garrett, performed by Maranatha! Vocal Band

On That First Easter by God’s Kids Worship Band

Children's Program Resources

April 2, 2023

April 2 is Palm Sunday – the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey colt to the cheers of the crowd.  We can sing praises to Jesus and God with this lilting song with a Scottish twist.

Attend in person on 4/2 and you can join the palm processional to start the service! 10 AM at 461 Orange Avenue, Los Altos, CA

Children's Program Resources

March 26, 2023

On March 26, our last Sunday in Nature Month, we’ll be making sunprints!  It’s amazing to see the art that we can create with materials from nature and sun power!

Our scripture theme for this Sunday is “Out of the Depths”.  Sometimes we feel low, sunk, overwhelmed, sad, discouraged… and the more we think about it, the worse we feel.  Remember that God is with you all the time and will help you, whatever you are going through in your life.  Sharing your troubles and questions with God can lift your spirits, help you feel better, and renew your hope.   

Bonus song for working on sunprints:

Here Comes the Sun, by George Harrison

Here Comes the Sun, performed by the Beatles (1969)
Here Comes the Sun, performed by The Petersens (2022)


Children's Program Resources

March 19, 2023

On Sunday March 19 our nature theme is Redwoods. Join us at 10 AM at 461 Orange Avenue, Los Altos. And after church we will have a family nature walk to Redwood Grove Nature Preserve! 

Our scripture theme is After Vision Shifts – how we can see ordinary things around us in new ways. We have stories about Jesus healing a blind man with mud and spit; a shepherd boy turns out to be a very important person; and the well-known Psalm 23 which talks about ordinary fields as places where God protects and cares for us.  Our song this time is “The Tree of Life”. It’s about a vision that the prophet Lehi had in which he saw a tree.  We see trees everyday – they are very ordinary.  But Lehi saw the tree in his vision in a different way – he believed that this tree was a symbol of God’s love, and the fruit of the tree was a symbol of God’s blessings on us.  God gives us so many blessings every day – sometimes we just have to look at things in a different way to see them.


The Tree of Life by Shawna Edwards

Children's Program Resources

March 12, 2023

Here’s another song about the beauty and wonder of God’s creation.  At every moment, wherever you are, there is something nearby that is beautiful in its own way – a gift from God to be appreciated and praised.  We thank God for our family and friends and for people we have yet to meet.  We thank God for our bodies that we can dance and sing with. We thank God for our diverse planet and the wonders of nature; for forests and oceans, for deserts and jungles, for flowers and trees, for insects, animals and birds.  Wonderful and good!

Plus a bonus song to listen to while drawing birds:

Three Little Birds by Bob Marley

Sing Along 9-3-23 Beautiful.jpg

Beautiful by Orange Kids Music

Children's Program Resources

March 5, 2023

Our theme for March 5 is “Into the Wilderness”.  As we journey through Lent we are thinking about Jesus’ time in the wilderness, and our own journeys through life.  Today we have two songs on this theme:  “Through the Wilderness” and “God Will Guide Us”.  What are some ways that these songs are similar?  How are they different?  One thing you may notice is that one of the songs refers to God with masculine pronouns (he/his).  You can sing it that way, or you  may prefer to substitute she/her, or you might rather not use a pronoun at all and just say “God”.  No matter what words you choose to describe God, God will be with you and guide you.


Through the Wilderness by Zak Yokingco, Veia Lim-Viñas, & Vernon Lim, vocals by Vanya Castor

God Will Guide Us by Jay Stocker

Children's Program Resources

Feb. 26, 2023

The Children’s & Youth Program theme for Sunday February 26 is “Through the Night”.  Sometimes night feels friendly and relaxing.  Sometimes we might feel nervous about being in the dark, or about sounds we hear.  Sometimes it’s easy to count our blessings at the end of the day.  Sometimes all we can think about are things that we wish were different.  Whatever is going on, you can share it with God.  Nighttime can be a special time for sharing your hopes, dreams, questions, and prayers with God.  This week we sing about God’s angels keeping guard over us all day and all night – what a peaceful and comforting thought.


Angels Watchin’ Over Me African American Sacred Folk Song, performed by Dan & Claudia Zanes

Children's Program Resources

Feb. 19, 2023

February 19 is Transfiguration Sunday.  It’s a very important part of Jesus’ life story.  One day Jesus took three of his friends up a high mountain. All at once he was transformed – transfigured – into brilliantly shining light.  His friends were stunned to see him that way.  Another surprise came when Moses and Elijah suddenly appeared out of nowhere and began talking with Jesus.  And the friends were even more astonished when God spoke to them all, saying “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”  Our song today is called “Listen to Jesus”.  This song is easy to learn and can help you remember some of the things Jesus tells us to do:  open your heart, live in God’s love, and love and forgive.


Listen to Jesus, by Bernadette Farrell

Children's Program Resources

Feb. 12, 2023

On February 12, the Children’s & Youth Program will have a Valentine’s Party!  Valentines mean love and friendship, so our song this week is “Surrounded by Love”.  This beautiful song reminds us that God’s love surrounds us every day, wherever we are, and whatever we are doing.  We share God’s love with others when we are kind and thoughtful and do what is right.  Each day, try to find a moment to be grateful for God’s love, and think of a way you can share it with others.  Like by giving a Valentine!


Surrounded by Love by Mark Patterson
(YouTube video with sheet music)

Children's Program Resources

Feb. 5, 2023

The Children’s & Youth Program theme for Sunday February 5 is “Greatness of Heart”.  God wants us to be peaceful, loving, and giving, and to work for justice in the world.  When we share our gifts, talents, and interests, our light shines in the world and makes it a better and more interesting place.  As you listen to or sing “They’ll Know We Are Christians” think about the many ways in which we walk together, work together, lift each other up, and live with greatness of heart.


They’ll Know We Are Christians by Peter Scholtes, performed by Carolyn Arends

By Our Love (alternate title) by Peter Scholtes, performed by For King And Country

Children's Program Resources

Jan. 29, 2023

The scripture for Sunday, January 29 is Matthew 4:1-11.  (You probably remember that this means: the book of Matthew, chapter 4, verses 1 through 11.)  In this reading, Jesus shares this important teaching, “One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”  Worldly goods are not enough – we also need faith in God, and to follow God’s ways, to make our lives complete.  Our song today is “Seek Ye First”. Listen for this Bible verse in the song!  

In this version of the song, you’ll hear “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness.”  If you prefer, you can sing “…and God’s righteousness” instead.


Seek Ye First by Karen Lafferty, performed by Joy and Ruth Everingham

Children's Program Resources

Jan. 22, 2023

Enjoy this uplifting song about answering God’s call by sharing your gifts with the world.  The gifts you share and the love you give are a light to the world.  As you listen or sing, think about what you enjoy doing and how you can shine your light to make a difference in the world.

This week we are sharing “What a Wonderful World”, written by Bob Thiele (as “George Douglas”) and George David Weiss. It’s a beautiful song about the gifts of God’s creation. 

  • First listen to this version performed by the Ndlovu Youth Choir, a South African musical group founded in 2009. What a Wonderful World – Ndlovu Youth Choir (YouTube video with lyrics)

  • The second version is performed by Louis Armstrong, a very famous and influential jazz trumpeter and singer.  In 1967 he was the first person to record this song – it became one of his most popular songs. This version is from 1970 and includes a very meaningful and important introduction, inspired by feedback Mr. Armstrong received from young people who heard the song.  You can read the text of the intro by clicking SHOW MORE below the video. What a Wonderful World with Introduction – Louis Armstrong (YouTube video)

  • The third version is also sung by Louis Armstrong (without the spoken introduction this time) and includes a great stop-motion animation.  What a Wonderful World with animation (YouTube video)

Each day this week, take time to pause and think to yourself, “What a wonderful world,” thank God for God’s many blessings, and think about what you can do to make the world an even better place.


Go Make a Difference by Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek (YouTube video with lyrics)


Children's Program Resources

Jan. 15, 2023

On Monday January 16 we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. writes, “Martin Luther King, Jr. was a civil rights activist in the 1950s and 1960s. He led non-violent protests to fight for the rights of all people including African Americans. He hoped that America and the world could form a society where race would not impact a person’s civil rights. He is considered one of the great orators of modern times, and his speeches still inspire many to this day.”  Today’s song, “Beautiful Light” talks about how each of us is a beautiful light in the world by being ourselves and sharing our talents, resources, and love.  The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was certainly a beautiful light, sharing his vision of a more just and peaceful world and taking action to work toward that goal.  While most of us will not have a holiday created in our honor, we can all do God’s work in the world by letting our beautiful light shine and standing up for what we believe in.


Beautiful Light by Laurie Berkner (YouTube video) 
Click SHOW MORE below the video to see the lyrics.

Children's Program Resources

Jan. 8, 2023

January 8 will be the first Sunday in the next church season, which is called “the Season after the Epiphany”.  Collins Dictionary says an epiphany is “a moment of sudden insight or understanding”.  Sometimes an epiphany is not so sudden – sometimes it takes a while, or even a very long time, for us to understand things.  And our understanding can grow throughout our whole lives.  Listen to “Open The Eyes of My Heart” (and sing and dance along if you like!).  “Opening the eyes of our heart” is an imaginative way to describe looking at things with love and thinking about things with love – which is what God wants us to do.


Open the Eyes of My Heart by Paul Baloche
(YouTube video with lyrics performed by CJ and Friends, music by Local Sound featuring Paul Baloche)

Children's Program Resources

Jan. 1, 2023

On Sunday January 1, our service will be called “New Beginnings: Hopes & Aspirations for 2023.” For the contemporary reading, Pastor Jean has selected the poem “The Work of Christmas” by Howard Thurman. These words are the basis for the lyrics to the song “I Am the Light of the World”. Listen, sing along, and think about what you can do to share your light in the world, and then make a plan to do it! Happy new year!


I Am the Light of the World by Jim Strathdee, performed by Musicians of Golden Ears United Church

The words Foothills Congregational Church topped with a line drawing of hills



461 Orange Avenue
Los Altos, CA 94022

Sunday Worship

10 AM PT

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