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Officers & Committees

Foothills Church is driven by members working closely with our minister. Many members take leadership and volunteer roles, and every member has a voice. In addition to elected officers, members serve on committees coordinated through our Executive Council.

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Executive Council

The Executive Council is the governing and policy-making body of our church. It includes the Moderator, Vice Moderator, Clerk, members-at-large, committee chairs, and the minister in an ex officio role. The Executive Council acts on behalf of members, while some issues are referred to and determined by the whole congregation. These include  major financial programs such as approval of the annual budget, calling a minister, and other matters the Executive Council determines require membership approval.

Executive Committee

Executive Committee includes the Moderator, Vice Moderator, and Finance Committee Chair. Its purpose is to be ready, as needed, to make decisions between regularly-scheduled meetings of the Executive Council.

Congregational Care

Our goal is for every Foothills member who is homebound, in long-term care, or experiencing illness, injury, or stress, to feel connected and cared for by the church. This program supports and supplements the pastoral care work of our Minister as we embody God’s loving kindness as a beloved community.

The Diaconate

The Diaconate collaborates with the Minister(s) to provide spiritual leadership for the congregation. This has many aspects, including:

  • supporting worship services on Sunday mornings, Christmas Eve and Maundy Thursday:

    • preparing the sanctuary for worship

    • arranging for Greeters, Ushers and Deacons

    • assisting with emergencies during services

  • coordinating spiritual care

    • contacting, visiting, and helping those in need

    • referring to the minister those in need of a pastoral call or visit

    • supporting prayer: managing the prayer circle, Sunday service prayer requests

Faith Development

The Faith Development Committee helps create and manage age-appropriate opportunities to learn about and practice Christian faith in every stage of life.  The Committee

  • drives children’s & youth activities 

  • drives the adult education program

  • manages volunteers who carry out the committee’s work


The Fellowship Committee fosters community throughout the life of the church by

  • providing weekly after-church coffee service

  • planning and organizing the Annual Meeting lunch or dinner

  • providing food support for other activities not covered by other boards and committees


The Finance Committee provides education, support, advice, and oversight to Executive Council and church staff on matters related to budget and finance.  The Treasurer and Financial Secretary are members of this Committee and Executive Council.  Finance Committee duties include:

  • managing and monitoring overall financial status of the church

  • directing the activities of the Treasurer and the Financial Secretary

  • budget preparation, for review at the annual congregational meeting


The Music Committee's responsibilities include

  • guide and support the Music Director and Bell Choir Director, and provide input for their reviews

  • provide refreshments for musicians on Easter morning

  • coordinate and lead choir and musician appreciation on Music Appreciation Sunday, provide cake for after the service

  • assist in identifying guest musicians for August worship services while Music Director is on vacation

  • schedule maintenance of pipe organ and four pianos

New Member Growth

The New Member Growth Committee ensures a welcoming experience for Foothills’ guests. It also nurtures and guides those who are considering Foothills as their church family on their path to membership, and their full integration into the life of the congregation.


​The Outreach Committee seeks to express the Congregation’s social concerns by supervising and managing the outreach plans of the Church, making recommendations for the distribution of funds to several agencies, and educating the congregation about the agencies and their activities. Approval of the recommendations is voted by the church membership at the Annual Finance Meeting prior to the Annual Meeting.

Property Management

The Property Management Committee is responsible for all physical aspects of the Church and Parsonage.

Volunteer Activities

​The Volunteer Activities Committee is responsible for planning, communicating, and championing action-oriented volunteering for and by our church community. Committee members identify and facilitate volunteer opportunities that bring members together for meaningful work that supports local communities and aligns with our church values.  In coordination with the Outreach Committee, provides volunteer support for the agencies our church supports.

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